VOANews: if you visit the "Special English" section, you can listen to some news and read it. It's American English, the vocabulary can be a bit difficult, but they speak slowly and you can read what they are saying `please DO NOT READ the first time you listen). It's American English
- Real English: videos in Youtube; they interview people in the street about different topics.
- http://www.esl-lab.com/ (American English). Listenings with multiple- choice questions. They usually have three parts: pre-listening exercises, listening exercise and post listening exercise, with the answers and the transcript. There are also vocabulary and matching exercises with their answers. They are all on-line.
- Listen to English, learn English http://www.listen-to-english.com/ A huge list of podcasts at a basic level which you can download (click right button and save as…). Some of them have comprehension quizzes and all of them have the transcript. They are about various topics and grammar points. You can subscribe and you’ll get an e-mail with the audio file every time there’s a new one on the website.
- The British Council http://learnenglish.britishcouncil.org/en/ There are “before you listen” exercises as well as comprehension and vocabulary and grammar exercises about the structures and vocabulary used in the listening. All the exercises have their key.
- ELEMENTARY PODCASTS: It’s like a radio programme. It starts with a small conversation and then they develop a topic. You can listen to the audio on-line, or download it to your computer, pendrive, MP3 or smart phone. (click right button and "save as"…)
- Big City Small World : radio soap opera about a group of young people from around the world sharing their experiences. You can download the activity, but not the audio.
- Word on the street: video about British culture experiences. You can download the activity, but not the video.
- Overcooked (video on British food) You can download the activity, but not the video.
- How to… ask for repetition accept or refuse an invitation You can download the activity, but not the video.
- On this site you can also find Word games to play on-line as well as a section for kids.
Finally, this old post will also give you some ideas. Good listening!